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Seeking your #1 Vote

  • Cost-of-living crisis: Increase minimum wage, reduce VAT on fuel & carbon tax as these are essential for living
  • Economic growth: Support local industries, invest more in infrastructure, education and research
  • ESB: End hiking our bills in lieu of Big-Tech data centres receiving grants ‘MORE’ than the costs of their own bills
  • Local: Advocate for local interests and community voices
  • Political experience: Proven track record in local politics
  • Public services: Improve healthcare, invest in training and reduce staffing shortages to reduce waiting times
  • Housing: Support initiatives to build more affordable homes for Irish people who ‘cannot’ get a family home
  • Border Integrity: Uphold our laws – all persons entering Ireland must have a passport, or travel documents
  • Ireland’s interests: Regulate wasteful spending by NGOs & reallocate funds for affordable housing
  • Offer a fresh perspective to build a brighter future

About Me

A retired soldier living in the Donnycarney area. Michael Burke served with the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in the Middle East, Lebanon and Cyprus. Michael also served in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia and as a volunteer with the [UNV] Program from Germany and APSO as an overseas aid worker in West Africa, and a UN inspector in the Middle East Oil-For-Food Programme in Iraq, Jordan, UAE and in Kurdistan/Turkey.

Please give me your number 1 vote to be your NEW Independent voice for Dublin Bay North, and contact me to raise your issues.

God bless. Michael Burke

My Policies

  1. Community Banking

Michael Burke, strongly supports community banking, which can create positive change and stimulate economic growth in local communities. Community banks, owned by local residents, understand their unique needs and invest in local businesses, infrastructure, and housing, creating jobs and supporting small businesses. They offer affordable loans and services to underserved communities and prioritise local needs, fostering a more equitable society. During a financial crises, community banks provide critical support, working with businesses and residents to find solutions. They continue lending during downturns, offering vital credit to small businesses and individuals. Germany’s community banking system serves as a successful example of this approach, highlighting its potential benefits.

2. Allowance For Grandparents

Michael Burke believes in supporting families and ensuring that parents have access to quality child care. “I propose that grandparents should be able to avail of child minder subsidies as is the case with creches, however this subsidy should ‘NOT’ be means tested for grandparents”. “Carers’ allowance should ‘NOT’ be means tested for children or adults that require 24/7 care. End the discrimination against carers providing essential care for our loved ones”.

3. Fight Traffickers

I, Michael Burke, am deeply concerned about the alarming rise in sex trafficking and organ harvesting in Ireland. With 834 people missing and 317 children vanishing from state care [reported by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission] it is crucial that we take immediate action. I will advocate for increased funding and staff for HSE care centres, ensuring that children receive adequate supervision and support. Additionally, I will work to strengthen collaboration between state agencies and for public appeals by An Garda Síochána to improve our ability to locate missing children, identify suspected cases of trafficking, and bring traffickers to justice. Furthermore, I will demand accountability from those in power who have failed to act on this issue, including the Irish government’s lack of convictions for traffickers and inadequate training for judges. Together, we can put an end to this growing criminal industry and ensure a safer, more just society for all.

4. Hate Speech Laws

The 2023 Criminal Justice ‘Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences’ Bill threatens our fundamental rights, undermining freedom of thought, conscience, expression, and peaceful assembly, this was known previously as ‘Section 31’. As a Dublin Bay North candidate, I am committed to upholding fairness, justice, and the rule of law. I will work to ensure your rights are protected, opposing the new legislation that aims to criminalize comments based on subjective feelings and disregards the principles enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003.

5. Current Inheritance Tax

In 2009, a parent’s child could inherit up to €542,544 before paying tax at 22% on any amount above this. The current threshold for parent’s children is now reduced to €335,000, with an increase of 33% tax rate on anything
above this amount. The proposed new increase in Capital Acquisition Tax by the government’s committee would see a reduction of the threshold to €35,000 for parent’s children and €16,240 for relatives or friends. This would result in a significant increase in taxes due on your inherited home and assets, with a potential tax bill of €88,275 on a house valued at €300,000. Governments’ use committees to assign tasks and take the blame for decisions, allowing politicians to evade responsibility.


The proposed ‘Right To Housing’ amendment to the Irish Constitution threatens to undermine the right to own private property [your own home] and will have significant implications for inheritance rights. This amendment gives our state new powers to take away property rights, ‘delimiting’ the rights of Irish citizens in favour of ‘residents’. This bill is sponsored by an opposition party but received support from the Greens, Fine Gael, and Fianna Fáil. This bill is now passed and with the referendum commission, and will be presented to the Irish people within the next 12 months. This amendment fails to address the impact of corporate and foreign investors on Ireland’s housing crisis that will STOP this generation from owning their own home if this referendum is passed.


I, Michael Burke, am committed to addressing the housing crisis, we must prioritise the well-being of Irish people and ensure that they have priority access to housing which has been exacerbated by foreign companies buying properties in huge numbers, making it impossible for Irish people to own homes, particularly in Dublin Bay North. Other European countries like Portugal, Denmark and Malta have implemented laws to ‘STOP’ foreign Vulture Funds from purchasing properties in huge numbers. Introducing these new laws in Ireland would protect the rights of Irish people to buy a traditional family home and ensure those on the housing list or with a deposit can secure a family home first.


Michael Burke is committed to addressing the issue of Big-Tech Data Centres using 40% of our electricity output while receiving subsidies and grants ‘MORE’ than the costs of their ESB bills, funded by your hard-earned tax money. With each new data centre opening, your electricity bills rise by an additional 10%. It is appalling that these corporations are ‘NOT’ paying their ESB bills, resulting in increased electricity costs for you and your fellow citizens. It’s time to stop this corporate theft of our electricity output. These corporations must pay their own ESB bills. The ESB is owned by the state, and Trade Union, and we must use our collective power to stop this theft.


NGOs receive over €6 billion in taxpayer money annually. NGOs are acting as tools for vested interest groups and becoming a shadow government to push extremist agendas. Ireland has more than 38,000 NGOs, more than any other country in the world. To address this issue, we need a Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) to ensure responsible use of national and foreign funds to safeguard national interests, and prioritise public control over essential services. The FCRA legislation has been successfully implemented in countries like India and Hungary.


Ireland is experiencing a significant demographic shift, which is a threat to our unique culture and heritage. Dublin Bay North candidate Michael Burke, is committed to prioritising the interests of indigenous Irish citizens and upholding the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by majority vote at the United Nations General Assembly, 2007. “We must take decisive action to promote our traditions and values, as this ongoing demographic change will lead to the death of our Irish Indigenous peoples’ and culture.” This upcoming election is a crucial opportunity for indigenous Irish voters to elect leaders who share your concerns and will fight to grow our heritage. Together, we can work to promote and grow our rich history and prevent ethnocide.


Michael Burke aims to revive ‘Community Games’ in Dublin Bay North, promoting health, fitness, and mental wellness. These activities provide over 40 options, from swimming to singing, athletics to art, and more. ‘Community Games’ encourage healthy lifestyles, well-being, and inclusion for children and families. The government has failed to reintroduce these games, but Michael Burke will work to revitalise community games to foster community spirit, ensuring opportunities for all children to compete and benefit physically and psychologically.


“I am committed to promoting a better work-life balance for all. I believe that Ireland is a culture, not just an economy, and it is crucial to promote Sunday as a family day by law, for all workers, particularly grocery and retail workers to spend more time with their families. By restoring Sunday as a family day, we can strengthen our community and support the well-being of our hard-working citizens, just like in Germany”.


I oppose the ongoing war on motorists in our city. I advocate for allowing motorists to drive in bus lanes during off-peak hours and reopening Dublin’s city centre for businesses. Furthermore, I am committed to fighting new congestion charges and taking power away from predatory clamping companies by not renewing their contracts. By empowering our Gardaí to regain control over clamping, we can create a safer and more accessible Dublin for everyone, as it was before.


Having taken part in the successful right to water campaign which I Michael Burke and my fellow water rights citizens tirelessly worked to achieve, our victory must be protected now by enshrining this right to water into the Irish constitution through a referendum. This will prevent potential multinational takeovers of our water resources and extortionate water prices and fees for Irish citizens. Just as the indigenous peoples of Saudi Arabia have rights to their oil resources, the Irish people must have the right to their water resources, as water is a vital source of life.


I Michael Burke, am committed to addressing animal cruelty in relation to religious practices. Closing legal loopholes and ensuring equal treatment for all animals is crucial. I will also work to end the inhumane treatment of Irish greyhounds in the export industry, ensuring they are re-homed as beloved pets and receive proper care. By electing me, you choose a leader dedicated to creating a more humane society.

16. Safeguarding Children, Schools and Libraries

Concerned about the introduction of explicit materials in children’s schools and sections of public libraries through the Social, Personal, and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum, Michael Burke aims to protect children from age-inappropriate content that violates the Children First Act of 2015. The SPHE curriculum impacts young, impressionable children, making them susceptible to exploitation and engaging in sexual acts. This issue has already contributed to a sharp rise in “sexual images generated by primary school pupils“, as reported by the Irish Times. In response, the government has implemented legislation to remove smartphones and devices from schools nationwide. Michael Burke believes that the SPHE curriculum and certain political parties are responsible for generating this inappropriate behaviour in schools, directly resulting from the introduction of this curriculum. Michael Burke advocates for a thorough review and potential revision of the SPHE curriculum to ensure that it aligns with the best interests of children and promotes healthy, age-appropriate content. By addressing these concerns and working together, we can create a safer learning environment that prioritises the well-being and development of all young people.


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